Every month, a billion people scroll through Instagram. And 90 percent of them are following at least one brand and this why your distillery probably already has an Instagram account. But every time you launch a new product, line of spirits, or location, you may ask: Should I start a new Instagram account?
Creating an Instagram profile dedicated to a specific product or location can be a powerful tool. Consider that you’ve very likely already put a lot of time in effort into growing your audience; throwing together an entirely separate account to have another line item on your spirits marketing campaign isn’t always a good strategy. You need to plan specifically for that account first.
If you’re thinking about setting up a new Instagram for your spirits, location, or another reason, here are six questions you should answer first.
Do You Have Resources for Another Instagram Account?
Before kicking off any new marketing channel that will require ongoing maintenance, this is an important question to ask. You want to make sure you have the capacity. It requires more attention than you may have anticipated. At least one individual needs to find the time to create content, publish that content, engage with fans, and grow the audience. A neglected account could cost you followers or could confuse fans.
So before you move forward, determine who will manage the account. If it’s the same person handling your current account, ensure they can balance their time between the two profiles. Throwing a new marketing channel on their plate may not be a wise decision. The content and maintenance will suffer if it’s not someone’s priority. However, if you’ve got the people-power and the time to handle that new account, go for it.
Is the Audience Different from Your Existing Followers?
A good reason to fire up a new Instagram account is to cater to a new audience. Having a dedicated account meant to attract that new fan base will help you extend your reach on the platform. Creating a separate digital marketing presence can be especially beneficial for products that may someday have new ownership.
Users on Instagram often are very selective about the accounts they follow. As we mentioned, a majority of those users follow a brand on Instagram. But you can’t bet on them following both your brand and spirits line or location. If the new profile appeals to the same type of audience you’ve already cultivated on your existing account, you may end up siphoning off those followers.
If the product or spirits line you’re planning to represent with a new Instagram handle has a distinct audience, you’re far more likely to increase your reach. Perhaps your existing account primarily serves whiskey fans, but you want to develop an audience of gin lovers. Creating an Instagram with gin-rich content will help you increase that reach.
Does Your Distillery Have More Than One Location?
Another valid reason to build a new Instagram profile is a separate location, like a new tasting room or a cocktail bar. Providing a handle for a location allows visitors to tag you in posts, giving an added boost to your reach. But you have to make sure those visitors know about your second location and your second Instagram handle.
Draw in fans by showcasing the location and the items on your menu through appealing images. Work to set this new location and its Instagram apart from what you already have. And invite visitors to share their own photos of the space, tagging your new account as well. It may also be wise to make the handle for this account very distinctive, incorporating the unique location name. This will help it stand out from your existing account when a user tries to tag you.
When Should You Launch The New Account?
If an Instagram account is part of the overall marketing campaign for a new spirits line, get a running start. Aim to set up the profile and start posting content at least a month beforehand. The goal should be to have at least a month’s worth of content published before you start formally inviting fans. That content should give them more of a reason to click follow than a blank slate.
As you determine your timeframe for launching, consider a goal. Perhaps you want to have at least 12 posts visible on the new page by the time your event or product launch rolls around. Map out how long that will take and work backward. That’s when you should set up and start posting to that account.
What Should You Post to the New Account?
Differentiate this new account from your existing account. The content posted should still reflect your brand’s voice and personality; however, this profile news a unique perspective, something different from your brand account. Otherwise, why bother creating a new account?
As with any social channel, create a content calendar for the new account and map out what you want to post. Consider the message you’re trying to send and the audience you want to attract. Build content around that and heavily feature whatever spirit, spirit line, or location you’re focused on with this Instagram profile.
How Do You Gain Followers for a New Account?
This can be tricky as you’re starting from scratch. Remember, though, that you’ve already got an established group of followers over on your brand profile. While the new account should be distinctive, it still warrants occasional mentions and tags on your brand account since you’ll likely be promoting the launch through your brand at least occasionally.
To find that fresh audience you’re hoping for, weave messaging about the new account into all your other promotional materials for this launch. Put the handle on menus and posters. If the account is dedicated to a product or products, incorporate the handle into your spirits packaging. Feature the handle in any videos you produce to promote the new launch as well. Your goal is to spread the word about your new product or location but make sure the Instagram handle gets a mention in there too.
Lastly, keep at it. The best way to continue expanding an Instagram audience is to continue producing quality content that intrigues and delights fans. Stay consistent and maintain engagement as well. A bit of patience and careful planning will deliver another powerful distillery marketing channel.