Marketing & Packaging

Strong Relationships, Strong Businesses

People are out shopping and traveling again, and small businesses everywhere are rejoicing! Our consumers are finally back — which means our tasting rooms are thriving. At least, that’s what we all hope. For many distilleries, tasting room traffic and...

Join the Cult: How Three Spirits Brands Turned Fans into Fanatics

Joe Luby’s wedding day was approaching. A die-hard outdoorsman, Luby and his friends were celebrating with a fishing trip in the sprawling shrublands of central Nevada. His then-fiancée, Lauren, was off enjoying a bridal shower in Albuquerque, New Mexico....

Make Your Marketing Work Harder

When craft distillers first start thinking about marketing, they often focus in on branding, logos, social media, websites and other tactical marketing elements. By jumping in tactically, however, you’re missing the most important part of successful marketing. You. Who...

Was 2018 Truly the Year of the Woman?

2018 was widely touted as the Year of the Woman by The New York Times, The Brookings Institution, CNN and more. The year brought heightened awareness and dialogue initiated by women who contend with sexual harassment at work. High-profile actors...

Turning Around the Social Media Time Suck

Whether you love it or hate it, I think we can all admit that social media is here to stay. Selfies, never-ending foodstagrams, motivational quotes, awkward personal shares, duck faces, yoga posing army figurines all around the world —...

Marketing & Distribution

The race to distribution, for many distillers, is an important one on the journey to sustainable growth. As a seasoned marketer, however, I have to ask: What does it matter if you have product on the shelf if no...

Good in a Crisis

In an industry like craft spirits where brand reputation and customer trust are paramount to success, the ability to respond swiftly and effectively during times of crisis is crucial. Whether it’s a product recall, a political issue, or a...

Hit Your Mark with Focused Local Marketing

In a world where “FASTER! FURTHER! BIGGER!” is often seen as best, it’s easy to get caught up in that mentality yourself as a business owner. But when it comes to distillery life, we all know that slowing down,...

Engaging All 5 Senses in the Tasting Room

An important goal for any craft distillery should be growing on-site visitor engagement and experience satisfaction. Firsthand, tangible experience creates a connection between person and product (or brand) that most other forms of marketing cannot match. Marketing research shows...

Odgen’s Own Celebrates PRIDE Year-Round with Five Husbands Vodka

June is Pride Month, but this year, revelers in much of the inland West will have a new way to celebrate all year long. Ogden’s Own Distillery, based in Ogden, Utah, recently released a new 2022 edition of Five...