Production & Process


Young distilleries need all the help they can get when it comes to getting their brand out and in front of customers. Most people involved in this industry know it’s a tough game to get into. Issues of limited...

London Dry: The Real History of Gin

As a beer-writer of more than 30 years’ standing, I found my curiosity piqued when craft distilling in Britain seemed to be following a trajectory very similar to that of craft brewing. Both fell broadly into two waves: a...

Temperature and Maturation

Temperature is a critically important factor at every step of a distiller’s craft. Its affect on grains begins with the sun’s energy shining on the growing crops, and continues through the mash temperature of the malt. In fermentation, temperature...

Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup from Bissell Maple Farm

Former chemist Nate Bissell has yet to think of an experiment with maple syrup he won’t try. Concoctions from Bissell — the sixth-generation owner of Bissell Maple Farm in Jefferson, OH — include traditional maple syrup, maple candy and...

So you want to make a Gin?

There are two main factors to consider when it comes to making gin: One, The Base Spirit; and two, the Botanicals. The Base Spirit There are two main choices here: one is to buy in Neutral Grain Spirit from a third...

Adventures in Co-Packing

In 2013, Caitlyn Krug moved to Spain after graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles. She aspired to work in the hospitality and tourism industry and took a job as a bartender in the Basque Country region. It...

Tales from a Ghost Blender

One day last winter, I visited a local craft distillery to collect samples of barrel drippings for use in my blending lab. The distiller, taking a much-needed break from his work, followed me around from barrel to barrel as...

Grains Are Grapes

American whiskey and, in fact, most American spirits of any type, are made from a combination of cereal grains. Regardless of their origin, however, all of these grains and even most fruits grown for use in beverage alcohol share...

Victoria Distillers’ Unique Approach to Sustainability

Sustainability is increasingly important to consumers (and the environment), and many distilleries are actively prioritizing sustainability initiatives tailored to their local conditions. Victoria Distillers, located in Victoria on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, has pioneered a unique approach that...

Behind the Steel Door

Working for a distillery owner can be an enormous challenge. Okay, maybe that is an understatement - it might be one of the most difficult undertakings that many aspiring distillery professionals will face. Ours can be a murky world...